Month: September 2008

God’s Judgment as Withdrawing Protection — a Clarification


Several bloggers have written me in response to my most recent blog discussing Marilyn Campbell’s contention (espoused in her book Shedding Light on the Dark Side of God) that when Scripture says God engaged in…

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Shedding Light On “The Dark Side of God”


Is it possible to believe that the whole Bible is divinely inspired and yet believe that God never engages in violence? Any one with even a cursory knowledge of the Bible would probably answer this…

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An Ancient Philosophical Mistake In The Debate About Open Theism


Sometimes little mistakes have big consequences. I think I may have uncovered one such mistake that took place two and a half millennia ago that continues to adversely affect people’s thinking about foreknowledge. First a…

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“True Believers” and the Religion of Politics


I call them “true believers” (a phrase coined by Eric Hoffer). You see it in their teary eyes, their wide smiles, their intense frowns, their enthusiastic poster-waving.  They’ve heard every canned phrase a thousand times…

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The Profound Significance of the Insignificant “Right Here”


I watched a film with some friends last night entitled The Band’s Visit. It was funny, painful and profound. It’s one of those films that is meant to slowly draw you into an experience rather…

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