Month: August 2009

Minnesota Christian Chronicle Online – 08/09


An article entitled, “The good news in the decline of American Christianity” was written by Greg for the August edition of the Minnesota Christian Chronicle Online. Click here to read.

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Please Consider Partnering With CVM in Helping Tobi


  Dear friends, I’d like to ask you to join Shelley and myself in raising prayer and financial support to help a remarkable young woman, Tobi Olatoye, to attend a YWAM (Youth With a Mission)…

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Did God Send a Tornado to Warn The ELCA?


On Wednesday, August 19, five small tornados formed in and around the Twin Cities. Included among the property damage was a broken church steeple. It just so happens that Central Lutheran Church was hosting the…

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Rob Bell In Twin Cities and At Woodland Hills


Hi Folks, Just an FYI for you who live in or around the Twin Cities. Rob Bell (whom I assume all of you know) is bringing his Drops Like Stars tour to the Twin Cities…

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“Hi” From MacKinac Island


Hi nice people (and mean ones, though I’m sure most of the people who read my blog are nice, since sound and true theology tends to drive away mean people, right?). Anyway, last week I…

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Your Identity In Christ


Hello folks, I spent last week in London speaking at Revive, the annual get together of Ichthus Christian Fellowship headed up by Roger and Faith Forster.  It was, as they say over there, “lovely” and…

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