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A Testimony and a Kingdom Sighting
September 4, 2013
We received a letter here at ReKnew that really touched us and we wanted to share it with you. It’s easy to feel isolated when the body of Christ is spread out far and wide. We hope this letter from Nova Scotia and this video will be encouragement to you.
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
I have been pastoring for thirty six years in the traditional, sometimes fundamental church. Nearly twenty years ago the Lord awakened me to Jesus and to change. I have been in a slow process of re-orientation. I left the traditional church two years ago and am know teaching in a new non traditional Christian School. My family and I are “re-thinking” everything in which we were raised, indoctrinated, conditioned, and sadly abused.Pastor Boyd’s book “Repenting of Religion” changed my life and the way I understand the Gospel. We are on a journey of change and like so many all around us we have sensed that we are in a new Reformation. We are now part of a gathering of young adults who are also trying to find their way in The Way, in a house fellowship. (tuesdaynightchurch.com)Thank you for starting Reknew and for all the material that is available there. I am deeply concerned about my evangelical views on a number of fronts and my emphasis has changed but I have a lot to learn so the site is so helpful. Please pray for me and my family and the little group of young people we love here. We are on the edge of the empire, in the middle of nowhere, unimportant, and unknown. We are facing opposition from some of the people we have loved and worked with for decades, we often feel we are going crazy! It is so good to know that there are others just as crazy as us out there.But we are convinced that God is in this, calling us back to what Leonard Sweet called “What Matters Most”. We are moving forward because we cannot go back, we are facing rejection but we cannot lose as we find that those who are most rejected around us are joining us. We are often accused of heresy, but still seeing regular conversions to Jesus and his Grace. We often feel alone but we know we are not because we see and hear you and others like you in the distance.We will pray for you and as we can, support you, keep on speaking up, and speaking loudly, we are learning, we are awake, and we are your family in Christ.Stephen
Category: General
Tags: Body of Christ, Community, Encouragement, Kingdom, Kingdom Living, Testimonies