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The Cosmic Dance Project

The story behind The Cosmic Dance
The idea for The Cosmic Dance arose out of Greg’s sharing his latest ideas with his small group (the three couples he and his wife Shelley share life with). Theological discussions are often a regular part of the conversation when they get together, and Greg, being the theologian in the group, tends to lend a rather esoteric theological and philosophical angle to the discussions. On occasion, some in Greg’s group have said things like, “Chunk it down to a layman’s level!” or “Give us the Dick and Jane version with pictures!”

One day Greg decided to try writing a “Dick and Jane” book on the theological implications of recent scientific theories, a topic Greg is very passionate about, but which is also arguably the hardest concept to communicate at a popular level.

Christus Victor Ministries is working with an artist, page designer and photographer to create The Cosmic Dance. Using funky art and creative photography, the book spells out the basic discoveries within six areas of contemporary science: Neuroscience, Quantum Theory, Chaos Theory, Complexity Theory, Non-Equilibrium Dynamics and Relativity Theory. It then tries to show how these scientific realms, each in their own distinct way, suggest that reality is something akin to an open-ended “Cosmic Dance.” In contrast to the mechanistic, Newtonian science of the past, these areas of recent contemporary science suggest that spontaneity, creativity, and freedom permeate the cosmos. And this, Greg contends, has significant implications for how we should live.

We’re expecting the book to be completed by summer 2008 and published in 2009.


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