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God at War Endorsements and Reviews


“God at War raises the current discussion of spiritual warfare to a new and unanticipated level of scholarly investigation. I am ecstatic with the integrity with which Gregory Boyd develops his convincing argument for a biblical warfare worldview. This is an extremely important work for all who wish to advance God’s Kingdom today.”
–C. Peter Wagner, Fuller Theological Seminary.


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Part 6 (of 15): Evolutionary Conservatism

Assessing Jordan Peterson’s 12 Rules for Life by Greg Boyd “If reality is that which selects, then what’s selected by that reality must in some sense be correct.” Evolutionary Wisdom As was true of Heraclitus and Lao Tzu, and as a number of domains of contemporary science have demonstrated over the last century, Peterson believes…

A Book That Won’t Leave You Unchanged

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Endorsements “Boyd and Eddy do not shy away from the tough historical, cultural, textual, and logical questions and their implications. Both those of a modernist and those of a postmodernist bent will find this a helpful clarification of issues relating to the truth about the historical Jesus.” –Ben Witherington III, professor of New Testament, Asbury…
