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More Killing for the American Jesus!
I spent last week railing against The American Patriot’s Bible which, among other things, unwittingly depicts Jesus as your typical pagan tribal warrior god who happens to always side with America (because we are so righteous, of course). It turns out that the Bush Administration was behind the scenes reveling in this violent patriotic mythology in the early years of the war in Iraq. Donald Rumsfeld issued intelligence memos (titled World Wide Intelligence Update) to Bush and other senior officials that quoted Bible passages next to scenes from the war, suggesting (as many of us always suspected) that this war was as much a holy war in the minds of those officials as it was and is for Islamic extremists. The memos are astounding. For a slide show (which unfortunately is provided by GQ magazine — sorry — just ignore the advertisements) click here.
For an equally grotesque expose on the demonic side of Christian nationalism and violence, check out this excellent essay entitled “Jesus Did NOT Kill Mohammed” written by my Aussie friend Jarrod McKenna. Jarrod contends that, “killing for Jesus makes as much sense as shagging for celibacy” and I couldn’t agree more.
Always remember, we shall overcome evil, but by the word of our testimony and the blood of the lamb (Rev. 12:11), not by spilling the blood of others.
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