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“Hi” From MacKinac Island
Hi nice people (and mean ones, though I’m sure most of the people who read my blog are nice, since sound and true theology tends to drive away mean people, right?).
Anyway, last week I was in London having a great time with Ichthus. This week I’m having an even greater on MacKinac Island in Lake Michigan with my adorable wife Shelley. We are celebrating our 30th Anniversary! Pretty cool, heh? We both feel God has blessed us with each other, though I’m certain I got the greater blessing.
Why MacKinac Island? It’s odd, but I remember my grandpa talking about MacKinac Island when I was a young boy and for some odd reason I’ve wanted to visit here ever since. This desire was greatly intensified in the early 80’s when Shelley and I watched the movie Somewhere In Time. Much of the movie revolves around the famous Grand Hotel located on this Island (we’re staying there starting tomorrow night). I guess I’m just drawn here, without really knowing why.
It was Shelley’s idea to make this the destination of our 30th anniversary.
What a fantastic wife!
Okay, the Island is calling me. So I’ve got to go (I sound like Jack on Lost!)
Category: General