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Present Perfect Blog Tour

For all who may be  interested, here are some blogs that discuss Present Perfect: Finding God in the Now. Feel free to post comments on blogs that allow for it or (better yet) if you read it, blog on it yourself. This is part of something called a “Blog Tour” (which I honestly still don’t quite understand).  Happy Reading!

The Blog Tour Spot

Bell Whistle Moon

Healthy Spirituality


WORD up!

Sunflower Faith

Ponderings by Andrea

Musings by Lynn

Refresh my Soul

Sherri Woodbridge

Tattered Couch

And now, for something a bit different, here’s a person who was able to judge the book in less than three minutes using a special speed-reading strategy.


And here is a dear Catholic person who was not happy with my lack of Catholicism.

Catholic View




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