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A Report, An FYI and A Chuckle
Report: I had the privilege of preaching and teaching at Crossroads Community Church in Cincinnati this last weekend. You can find my message on the Kingdom at http://www.crossroads.net/my/media/playVideo.php?idMedia=1142. (Sorry, but Terri Churchill usually edits my blogs and puts in those cool “click here” buttons that link to various sites. She’s on vacation [how dare her!] and I, being infamously techno-challenged, don’t know how to do that. Also, I apologize for any misspellings and mistakes in the blog that normaly would have been caught [like the word “normally three words ago] by Terri. Basically, every way that this blog sucks is Terri’s fault!! To make matters worse, my ADHD medication ran out so I — have you ever read Lies My Teacher Told Me you should and the Minnesota Twins are fading fast though BP finally seems to have fixed the leak forget the fact that no one should be allowed to drill without a clear plan to immediately respond to every possible mishap…)
Like I was saying, Crossroads Community Church is one of the most kingdom-happening communities I know of. Honestly, the stuff this community of 14,000+ is accomplishing for Christ is mind blowing! I’ve never seen a more naturally gifted leader than my friend Brian Tome, the Senior Pastor. His ability to inspire and mobilize people is without precedent. Plus he’s totally free from religion, as rough around the edges as me, and an absolute blast to hang out with (check out his book entitled FREE BOOK [Thomas Nelson Publishers] … I endorsed it so you KNOW its good!). But the true secret of this church’s success, aside from Jesus of course, is that they had the wisdom to make an incredible professional drummer (“Josh”) the lead worship pastor. How many churches do THAT? I love this community and always feel honored to pour into it.
An FYI. There’s a very interesting review and discussion of my most recent book Present Perfect taking place at http://bibledude.net/2010/07/present-perfect-chapter-4-single-mindedness/. They’re up to chapter four and all are invited to weigh in and offer feedback. But make sure you stay mindful of God’s presence while you do, otherwise it sort of defeats the purpose.
A Chuckle. Check out this funny — but also sort of insightful — cartoon: http://www.theonion.com/articles/may-10-2010,17409/
Until we meet again [actually, until you care to check in on what I have to ramble about again],
Be Blessed!
Category: General