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Lies My Teacher Told Me
We all know that President Jefferson doubled the size of the United States by buying Louisiana from France in 1803, right? It never occurred to me, until this morning, to wonder how France got the right to sell it in the first place. The answer is, they simply claimed it. Forget about the fact that thousands, if not millions, of natives had been living there for centuries and that this land was sacred ground for most of them. It was stolen from them by western power-brokers!
I got this from Lies My Teacher Told Me by James Loewen which I’ve been reading the last couple days. It is just one from among thousands of examples of how the white invaders mistreated, cheated and abused the indigenous people. I strongly encourage you all to read this book. Based almost entirely on original documentation, Loewen exposes the racist way the 12 major history text books used in American high schools delete, distort and ignore American history to keep (whether intentionally or unintentionally) the myth of white exceptionalism in place. It is a truly eye-opening work, even after reading Howard Zinn’s (also incredible) The People’s History of the United States.
In light of the way the faith of conservative Christians has been largely co-opted by this eurocentric myth, and in light of how this fusion of faith and mythic nationalism continues to blind Christians and others to the uniquely beautiful kingdom Jesus brought, I wish this was required reading for everyone.
Folks, there isn’t anything more than a empty misguided claim that makes America a “Christian” nation. Until this destructive myth is dispelled and the true history of this country is brought to light, I’m afraid the American church will continue to look more like the racially divided, imperialistic, consumeristic, individualistic and hedonistic culture we live it than it will look like Jesus Christ.
Keep God and his kingdom holy (=set apart, consecrated, distinct)!
Category: General