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NDY To Blow Minds This Friday!
I know I know I know I KNOW! I haven’t blogged in FOUR months! After a long period of writer’s block (which had a lot to do with stupid neck pain) I have finally gotten my mojo back and have been totally obsessed with completing my OT book. BUT, I am committed to getting back into blogging. (In fact, I’m getting ready to announce a bunch of very cool changes coming to Christus Victor Ministries.) But right now, I’d just like to announce that:
My band, “Not Dead Yet” (NDY) will be playing at the Dugout in Mahtomedi THIS FRIDAY (Sept. 9) from 8:30 to 12:00! Suggested donation at the door is $5.00 and all proceeds go to support young women in Haiti through Providence Ministries. If you need any other reason to join us other than this great cause, come for my angry hollering part in Green Day’s hit “Holiday”(“Zieg Heil to the president gasman bombs away is your punishment pulverize the Eiffel towers…etc…”). THAT alone is worth the price of admission donation, if I do say so myself.
If you’re in the Twin Cities, or even if you’re in France and have frequent flyer miles, THIS is where you ought to spend this Friday night.
Category: General