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Hello blog peeps. Long time no talk (except I yap everyday on Twitter). I miss this!! I didn’t intent to blog again until the ReKnew site was launched (after which time I assure you there will be regular blogs — and a whole lot more) but alas, here is a post on the old tired CVM site — I wanted to share a few updates.
* First, on behalf of the ReKnew team I’d like to thank all of you who contributed to our fundraising campaign and who have been keeping us in prayer. Our goal was to raise $20,000 to match the $20,000 raised from the ReKnew leadership team, bringing us to a total of $40,000. Well , thanks to the generosity of people from all over the world, we raised over $66,000!!! We’re all blown away! This will allow us to complete the ReKnew web site, hire a ReKnew staff person and get an earlier-than-planned start on several of our ReKnew Projects. Thank you!! As ReKnew moves forward we will need people who share our vision of the magnificently beautiful God and his kingdom to help support us over the long haul, so please consider becoming a regular partner.
* It looks like the ReKnew site will be ready to go public by the end of March. It is turning out AWESOME by the way.
* I’m about four or five months away from completion of The Crucifixion of the Warrior God: A Cruciform Interpretation of the Old Testament’s Violent Portraits of God (IVP). If I can finish this by June it should be published Spring 2013. But there are a lot of variables, so please be patient. It’s encouraging that so many people have inquired about this book. This project has been an exciting journey. I’ve never written a book in which the thesis evolved so much during the research-writing process. This is NOT the book I set out to write three years ago! Paul Eddy (who has been critiquing drafts of this work as it’s evolved) said recently. “This is either revelation or madness.” I sometimes feel like I bounce between the two.
* Finally, I want to tell you about Kòt a Kòt (formerly Providence Ministries) and an upcoming gig/dance with my world famous band, Not Dead Yet! Kòt a Kòt is a ministry that has been close to my heart for the last 15 years. We have raised six beautiful girls who are now dreaming of their future after high school. Some of them will be attending college soon and others are considering trade school or even the possibility of continuing the work of raising at-risk girls like themselves. Providence Ministries recently changed their name to Kòt a Kòt, which is Haitian Creole for “side by side” in order to reflect the changes in the girls’ role from ministry recipients to partners with us as they are equipped to reach out to their communities. We hope many of you will join us at Woodland Hills Church on Friday, March 2nd from 7-11pm to raise funds for this amazing ministry. There’s a suggested donation of $5/person or $20/family. WHC will be selling refreshments and all ages are welcome. It’s gonna be a blast, and I hear the drummer will blow your mind!
Peace & ROCK & ROLL,
Category: General