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Calling All Blog Readers!

Hello Readers!

You might have noticed that this blog is very different from Greg’s old blog. It’s not just a place for Greg to share his thoughts and answer questions. We want this to be a hub of information and ideas that spread the Kingdom message of ReKnew. We’re aiming to post multiple items every day if possible. In addition to your comments and questions, if you come across articles, cartoons, testimonies or anything else that you think would make for an interesting blog post, please get in touch with us using the contact form on this website. We can’t guarantee that we’ll publish everything that you send us, but it helps us to have as many eyes and ears open to the Kingdom as possible.

Additionally, we’ve had some problems with our auto-responses malfunctioning and we’re way behind on questions you’ve sent to us. Again, we won’t be able to individually respond to all of the inquiries that come our way (Greg is a pretty busy guy), but we’re working very hard to be sure that we’re addressing the most broadly applicable or common questions we’re receiving. Thanks for your patience and for helping us bring the Kingdom of God a little closer to Earth.


Terri Churchill, Editor for ReKnew

Image by Thomas Leuthard. Used in accordance with Creative Commons. Sourced via Flickr.


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