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Bruxy on Anger

Last weekend Bruxy Cavey preached at Woodland Hills Church while Greg attended the ReKnew retreat. Here’s a little clip of the sermon he shared regarding meekness and anger.

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Sermon Clip: His Song In Our Hearts

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What is the meaning of 666?

Woodland Hills recently completed a series on the book of Revelation. To conclude, Greg Boyd and Paul Eddy did a Q and A session to answer any lingering questions. This question answers what is the meaning of the symbol 666? You can view the full Q and A HERE:


Sermon Clip: The Worst of Sinners

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From the Sermon Archives: Stick & String

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Sermon Clip: You Are Not The Tree

What do the Gospels, Christmas Trees, and Eastern Spirituality have to do with one another? Greg Boyd explains in this weeks sermon clip. In the full sermon, we explore the Gnostics belief of the church in Colossae and how those relate to the New Spirituality movements rooted in Eastern thought of our day. We explore…