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Video Q&A: What if violence is necessary to protect a loved one?

Video Q&A: What if violence is necessary to protect a loved one?

We recently posted a video Q&A on open theism and we received a lot of positive feedback. We’re happy to share another of these today on the question of non-violence. Greg has answered this question previously, but he expands on his answer here in a way he never has before. Be blessed!

Related Reading

Video Q&A: “Love Wins” and Hell

Greg discusses his endorsement of Rob Bell’s book Love Wins, and shares his view of hell.


Eye for Eye: That Time Jesus Refuted An Old Testament Teaching

One of the most surprising aspects of Jesus’ teaching is that, while he clearly shared his contemporaries’ view of the Old Testament as inspired by God, he was nevertheless not afraid of repudiating it when he felt led by his Father to do so (Jn. 8:28; 12:49-50; 14:31). For example, while the OT commands people…

Take America (& the World) Back for God?

Kai Schreiber via Compfight Recently Missio Alliance has hosted a series of posts entitled “Christianity and Violence.” Since Greg has written quite a lot on this topic from the point of view of pacifism, we thought it timely to weigh in on this topic. The following excerpt is quoted from his chapter, “Taking America Back…

Why Bart Ehrman Doesn’t Have to Ruin Your Christmas (Or Your Faith) Part 7

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Greg’s Response to Driscoll’s “Is God a Pacifist?” Part II

 Waiting For The Word via Compfight To prove that “Jesus is not a pansy or a pacifist,” Driscoll by-passes the Gospels (understandably, given what Jesus has to say about the use of violence) and instead cites a passage from Revelation. This is a strategy Driscoll has used before. In an interview in Relevant Magazine several years…

Lighten Up: When he thinks no one will see it…

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