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World Wants
Here’s a reflection by D.L. Mayfield from A Deeper Church on how busyness and distraction keeps us from the things that really matter, the things we’re made for. What is God calling you to pour yourself into and what is getting in the way?
From the blog:
It’s true: world wants you to be distracted as all get-out, to flitter and flutter until we are too tired to do much use. World wants you to bounce around social media, gracing everyone with your thoughts on every little thing. World wants you to watch stupid shows about inane people experiencing one trivial problem after another, wants us to think it hilarious when people consistently fail to engage each other on a deep level. World wants you to buy more, on trend, on sale, because the faster you buy the less you care about the hands that make. World wants you to be a consumer, preferably seven days a week.
Category: General
Tags: Kingdom Living
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