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On Suffering and God’s Goodness

On Suffering

Hani Amir via Compfight

Seth Haines wrote a guest post on Tanya Marlow’s blog called The Overcoming Kingdom.  He reflects on his young son’s illness and the questions it provoked in him, and the hope he came to in the process. Real suffering challenges our easy answers and drives us to Jesus in a way that nothing else can.

From his guest post:

When life upends you, it’s tricky to balance human suffering and the goodness of God. It’s tempting to default to cliché tautologies–God is good because he is God–but these kinds of pat answers seem unsatisfying in the moment, and the starkness of our personal suffering seems to heighten awareness of the plight of all humanity. There are wars, famines, diseases, injustices, and where, pray tell, is God?

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