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Ralph D. Winter Lectureship
Greg has been invited to give this year’s lectures for “The Ralph D. Winter Lectureship,” this April 25 and 26. Greg’s lectures will be on the Biblical Warfare Worldview and its implications for understanding evil, especially “natural” evil and for our understanding of the Christian Life and missions. Greg will also join a panel of experts from a variety of different fields to discuss the implications of the Warfare Worldview.
Greg is excited to participate in this Lectureship because over the last decade of his life, Ralph Winter, who was known as one of the world’s foremost authorities on missions, dedicated himself to exploring the implications of the Warfare Worldview for a missional understanding of fighting diseases, and this continues to be a central focus of this institute. The event is open to the public. For more information, go to their event page.
Category: General
Tags: Missions, Ralph D. Winter, Warfare Worldview
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