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The Testimony of Life and Death

david kuoDavid Kuo was a friend of ours. He was a passionate voice calling the church away from political division and calling us towards compassionate engagement. He succumbed to brain cancer this last week after a ten year struggle with the disease.

Andrew Sullivan attended David’s funeral and reflected on David’s influence in his life. He shares his unique view of evangelicalism through his distinct position from the outside of it. It helps to be reminded about what is beautiful and what is not very beautiful from the perspective of an outsider looking in.

We’ll miss you David.

From Andrew’s blog:

What I guess I’m trying to say is that so many of us have come to view evangelical Christianity as threatening, and in its political incarnation, it is at times. But freed from politics, evangelical Christianity has a passion and joy and Scriptural mastery we could all learn from. The pastors were clearly of a higher caliber than most of the priests I have known – in terms of intellect and command. The work they do for the poor, the starving, and the marginalized in their own communities and across the world remains a testimony to the enduring power of Christ’s resurrection.

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