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Greg Shares His Journey With Chronic Pain

Greg recently decided that he needed to discontinue taking his pain medication despite chronic neck issues for which there are no easy answers. Here he shares that decision and the journey he’s on to remain fully awake to God and others.

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Sermon Clip: Don’t Be A Butthead

  With so many people claiming to hold the truth, it can be easy to get lost in all the noise. We can be tempted to make our voice heard by shouting the loudest or we can stay quiet and turn a blind eye to those who think differently. How do we find the balance?…

First of Three-Part Interview With Greg

David D. Flowers is doing a three part interview with Greg over on his blog. He posted the first of those interviews today. Pop over and check it out!

How Job’s Suffering Points to Jesus

As I introduced in my previous post, when we read the book of Job we must refute the common assumption that Yahweh is a Machiavellian deity who is controlling all that transpires in his creation, including Job’s suffering. At the same time, we must ask why the prologue (1:11-2, 2:3) and perhaps the final chapter…

Sermons: Who’s The Boss

  The Bible definitely talks about the roles a man and a woman should have in marriage. In this sermon clip, Greg Boyd discusses Colossians 3:18-19 and difficulty in his own marriage upon misunderstanding these roles. Marriage in the Bible can be misunderstood, and it often leads to questions of who should be the boss…

A Calvinist Take on the Problem of Evil

Carnie Lewis via Compfight Here’s a Calvinist view on the problem(s) of evil in the wake of the Sandy Hook shootings. It’s the old God-as-author analogy. In essence, this is how Calvinism views God’s role in any instance of radical evil (quoted from the Desiring God article): But, of course, the Bible says more than…

Lighten Up: Meet Rollins

Greg introduces his grandson Rollins and talks about the God of little things.