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Lighten Up: Oh my… I am so very very scared…

Lighten Up: Oh my… I am so very very scared…

Frank Viola, formerly known as Bill Goldberg

Frank Viola, formerly known as Bill Goldberg

Well, my dear friend Frankie V. once again has a bad case of verbal diarrhea (explains his breath lately), running off about how he’s going to smack me down in our “all-out, no holds barred, ring-side seat, verbal wrestling match” on the open view of the future.

I’m supposed to shutter in my boots at the “monumental mistake” I made challenging him to a public debate because he shows a clip of a previous smack down he (as his “alias,” “Bill Goldberg”) was in. Honestly, I have doubts that this guy in the clip was really even Frank — mainly because that dude wasn’t that ugly.

Plus this guy’s muscles were a little bigger than I remember Frank’s.

Anyway, if THAT was supposed to make me shutter, Sir Frankie, I dare say you had best rethink your intimidation strategies.

I shall not tax my energies by giving a current reply. (I must, after all, save my energies for our oh-so-fearsome smack down match.) So I will call Frank’s (limited) attention to something that I said to others who dared to threaten me a few years back when I was a hired guard of a castle:

Hear this Sir. Viola….hear THIS — and shutter!!!

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