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The End and Beginning of Faith

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Eduardo Amorim via Compfight

Micah J. Murray shared the story of how his doubts and loss of faith led him to a truer, deeper faith. While we fear the doubts that sometimes sneak in, sometimes those doubts lead us to a place of goodness. Be not afraid.

From Micah’s story:

Eventually I gave up on answers. Whether or not it made sense, I would believe in God. I clawed my way back from agnosticism to faith one day at a time, praying the only thing I could: “Help my unbelief.”

It’s only now that I’m realizing my agnosticism was closer to the truth than I had dreamed. I was right. That god was a monster. I’m so glad I stopped believing in him.

Even more than that, I’m so glad the monster wasn’t real.

What I thought was the end of my faith was really just the beginning.

When I lost that terrible version of God, Jesus found me. And in Jesus, I see God more clearly than ever before.

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