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Lighten Up: Gratitude

Lighten Up: Gratitude

Watch this and then find someone who you’re grateful for and TELL THEM! (I’m not wearing a lab coat, but you should trust me anyway.)

Have a great day all you Kingdom people. We’re so grateful for all of you.

Related Reading

Lighten Up: The Seeds of Doubt

Sometimes you have to follow where doubt leads you.

Lighten Up: Looking a Gift Miracle in the Mouth

Lighten Up: Love Your Enemies

Image from Manna and Mercy by Daniel Erlander  

Good Gifts

Every good thing in our lives is an unmerited gift from God. This includes your specific skills, strengths, and talents. Here Greg discusses the importance of recognizing that our gifts are on loan from God, and we are entrusted with them to be a blessing to others. Click here to view the complete sermon and other resources.

Lighten Up: Dear Moms…

Lighten Up: Proof of God

The “Checkmate Atheists” meme was actually started by atheists to make fun of some of the sillier arguments christians use to prove that there’s a God. But come on, this is funny.