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What Will You Do With Your Doubt?


Richard Beck shared some of his thoughts on Christianity as something that for many of us is our “native religion”…something we were born into and that is, to quote Wendell Berry, “an intimate belonging of our being; it informs our consciousness, our language, and our dreams.” With Christianity so foundational to our identities, doubt is a scary (and necessary) thing. What will you do with your doubt?

Richard observes that:

A lot of people who have decided to leave the faith are still, for lack of a better word, shadow Christians, still haunted by God. In the words of Flannery O’Connor, Jesus remains for many this wild, ragged figure moving from tree to tree in the back their minds.

But for others the “better possibility” has been for us to intentionally step out of the liminal space, away from the cognitive dissonance, to invest in, cultivate, and renew our native religion.

For those of you who are in the thick of your doubt, you might want to pick up a copy of Greg’s book, Benefit of the Doubt: Breaking the Idol of Certainty.

Image by Davi Ozolin via Compfight

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