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Theo Graff Podcast: Featuring Jessica Kelley
We have a special treat for you today. T. C. Moore is a great friend of ReKnew and he’s recently started a “Jesus-centered, hip hop flavored, geeky, theological, kingdom exploration” called the THEO GRAFF PODCAST. He’s published four podcasts so far and you’ll want to listen to them all when you get a chance, but we wanted to highlight the most recent one featuring Jessica Kelley. In this podcast, Jessica and T. C. talk about the problem of evil (theodicy) and the warfare worldview through the lens of her experience of losing her four-year-old son Henry to cancer.
You can find T. C.’s interview with Jessica here.
Category: General
Tags: Jessica Kelley, Problem of Evil, Suffering, T.C. Moore, THEO GRAFF PODCAST, Theodicy, Warfare Worldview
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