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Lighten Up: Jesus VS The World




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Guest Post: Culture War Neighbors by Bonnie Kristian

Matteo Parrini via Compfight The first time I was aware of meeting a gay person, I was 18. I took a summer job waiting tables, and it turned out two of my coworkers were attracted to people of the same sex. One, a waiter in his 40s, fit every stereotype on Will and Grace. The…

Sermon Clip: Keeping Christmas

Through Christ, God fulfills all his promises, and by yielding to him and giving up control, we can set ourselves free.   Full Sermon here: http://whchurch.org/sermons-media/sermon/keeping-christmas

What I Am, and Am Not, Doing In These Blog Posts

In this post I’d like to try to help some potentially frustrated readers by explaining what I am, and am not, trying to accomplish in this series on the violent portraits of God in the OT. First let me explain something. My forthcoming book, The Crucifixion of the Warrior God, fleshes out and defends a…

Jesus, the Center of Scripture

Paul declared that Jesus was nothing less than the very embodiment of all of God. This distinction of “all of God” is important for us to understand what it means for us to see Jesus and God rightly. Battling proto-gnostic teachers who were apparently presenting Christ alongside other manifestations of God, Paul declares “in Christ…


How the Cross Erases Your Sin

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Greg introduces his grandson Rollins and talks about the God of little things.