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Lighten Up: Greg’s Crazy Drumming Face


Hope you can join us to check out this face in person! $10 suggested donation benefits Haiti missions.

May 15 2015, 8:00PM to midnight at The Dugout Bar, 96 Mahtomedi Ave, Mahtomedi, MN

Related Reading

A Video Introduction to Open Theism

Here’s a video clip on Open Theism from Greg’s sessions with Travis Reed with The Work of the People. What is Open Theism? Open Theists affirm that God knows all of reality perfectly, so Open Theism really is about the nature and content of the future. Does the future contain real possibilities? We have to wrestle with…

Spiritual Journey

Over the years I’ve given bits and pieces of my testimony about how I came to Christ in sermons and books, but I’ve never woven all these pieces together into a single narrative. Many have asked me to do this, and so what follows is an account of the spiritual journey I went through in…


Fundraiser Update

THANK YOU SO MUCH to those of you who have contributed to this ministry. This is such a great start and we’re feeling very grateful! Here’s where we’re at today: 56 monthly supporters $4810 in one-time gifts $2185 monthly budget   We’re keeping this fundraiser going through the end of the year and we’re hoping…

Video Q&A: Is One’s Eternal Destiny Fixed at Death?

Does God continue to work with people after death? Is one’s eternal destiny fixed at death? Is the work of sanctification irrelevant? Here Greg shares his views on what happens when we die.

Sermon Clip: Twisted Scripture-Hebrews 9

Why must there be the shedding of blood for the forgiveness of sins? Our Twisted Scripture series continues this week as Greg explores Hebrews 9:18-22. This scripture passage is commonly used to support the penal substitutionary atonement theory in which our guilt was transferred to Christ and He was punished on the cross on our…

Sermon Clip: Don’t Be A Butthead

  With so many people claiming to hold the truth, it can be easy to get lost in all the noise. We can be tempted to make our voice heard by shouting the loudest or we can stay quiet and turn a blind eye to those who think differently. How do we find the balance?…