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mourning charleston

Today We Can’t Lighten Up

We usually post something light-hearted or funny on Fridays. Not today. Not in the aftermath of the massacre in Charleston.

Instead, we wanted to share with you the words of our friend Osheta Moore. You can read her post in its entirety here, but we wanted to highlight this portion:

I’m kneeling at the cross today, wetting the ground with my tears for the suffering of Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church. I’m full of sorrow for Dylann Roof. And right now, I need to hear, I’m sorry and I’m listening.  I suspect, I’m not the only one. Will you let your words be few and your love great today as we process the shooting in Charleston? Will you practice Shalom by putting aside your agenda and taking up the call of the cross to die to yourself?  Will you hold ground for healing where violence trampled our hope?  The choice is yours, Kingdom person.

Lord, have mercy.

Image by Tim Kimzey, The Spartanburg Harald-Journal/AP

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