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Friday Lights: The Bee

Ever heard of The Babylon Bee? It’s a satirical site, sort of like The Onion for Christians. Several of our readers pointed out this site to us, and we loved this entry on an adult coloring book of the imprecatory psalms. It forces you to think through the ways we uncritically accept the violence of some Old Testament passages and even use them to justify our own violent tendencies. Plus it’s super funny. Win-win. Run on over to the Bee and read the whole article there, but here’s a snippet:

“Coloring has been shown to both engage the mind and relieve stress and anxiety, and coloring illustrated Bible verses can help believers recall and meditate on Scriptural truths,” the press release read, in part. “In this new book covering the imprecatory Psalms, Christians can also color violently bloody scenes of death and destruction while praying that God’s judgment would fall upon their enemies.”

Image via The Babylon Bee

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