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The Importance of Science and Theology

The Importance of Science and Theology

Why is a dialogue between theology and science important? Many assume that they operate independently of one another, but the fact is that they influence each other more than we realize. Listen to Greg’s introductory answer to this question and discover how newer insights from science actually support what we read in the Bible. This dialogue between science and theology shapes Greg’s new book, The Cosmic Dance.

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The Cosmic Dance: Why Will This Book Benefit Me?

Greg took a few moments to describe how he hopes you’ll benefit from The Cosmic Dance. Discover how various branches of science demonstrate that life itself is a delicate dance between order and chaos. You’ll find that we’re wired to live on the edge in a place of creativity, spontaneity and significance in the adventure…

The Cosmic Dance

In this episode Greg discusses his new book “The Cosmic Dance.” Links: Greg’s book: “The Cosmic Dance“ http://traffic.libsyn.com/askgregboyd/Episode_0015.mp3

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The Cosmic Dance Origin Story

In this video, Greg introduces The Cosmic Dance, by explaining what motivated him to write this quirky little book. If you live near the Twin Cities, come to the launch party Friday June 24th where you can purchase the book at a discounted rate. Click here for information on the launch party.