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Confessions of a Christian Nation: Native American/First Nations Oppression

Confessions of a Christian Nation: Native American/First Nations Oppression

In this third part of the Confessions series, Brian Zahnd, Brian McLaren, Bruxy Cavey and Greg Boyd confess the sins of the Christian church against the Native American and First Nations people. Thanks to Rex Harsin for his work and vision in producing this series.

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Sermon Clip: Twisted Scripture-Hebrews 9

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From Mescaline to Jesus

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Dr. Gregory A. Boyd Ministry Greg Boyd’s ministry is driven by the conviction that the it is as important to worship God with all your mind as it is to worship him with all your heart, and that faith should be both intellectually grounded and passionately lived. Greg believes there is no conflict between faith,…


Why Bart Ehrman Doesn’t Have to Ruin Your Christmas (Or Your Faith) Part 3

This is the third of several videos Greg put together to refute Bart Ehrman’s claims published in the article What Do We Really Know About Jesus? If you missed the first two installments you can find them here and here.

Open2013 Speakers (Video)

Here’s all of the videos of the speakers and their Q&A’s from Open2013. Unfortunately, there was a mix-up and we didn’t get Jessica Kelley’s presentation taped. We’re working to get her to speak again so we can get that to you. Thanks for posting this on youtube T. C.! And now, without further ado… Greg…
