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Cross Vision Coming Soon!

Cross Vision Coming Soon!

In Greg’s new book, Cross Vision, he explains how the crucifixion of Jesus makes sense of the violent portraits of God in the Old Testament. His groundbreaking “cruciform hermeneutic” will change the way that you read the Bible! While Crucifixion of the Warrior God laid out Greg’s case in detail for an academic audience, Cross Vision boils it down for a broader audience.

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The Greatest Mystery of the Christian Faith

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Cross Centered Q&A

For those within driving distance of Saint Paul, MN, we invite you to join us for a free event. Greg will be discussing his new book Crucifixion of the Warrior God with Bruxy Cavey (Pastor of The Meeting House in Toronto) and Dennis Edwards (Pastor of Sanctuary Covenant Church in Minneapolis). Don’t miss this opportunity to hear Greg…

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Reviewing the Reviews: Tom Belt (Part 2)

In my previous post I reviewed Tom’s critical review of volume 1 of CWG, and in this post I’d like to do the same for his critical review of volume 2. As he did in his review of volume I, Tom begins with some praises and points of agreement. He thinks my quest to discern “what…

The Extremity of God’s Love

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