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Podcast: Is It Wrong To Pray to Saints?

Greg discusses the risks and issues associated with praying to anyone or anything other than God.


Send Questions To:

Dan: @thatdankent
Email: askgregboyd@gmail.com
Twitter: @reKnewOrg

Greg’s new book: Inspired Imperfection
Dan’s new book: Confident Humility



Related Reading

How can prayer change God’s mind?

You’ve argued that since God is all-good, he’s always doing the most he can do in every situation to bring about good. But you have also argued that prayer can change God’s mind. How are these two beliefs compatible?

Why Isn’t God More Clear?

Ever wonder why God isn’t more clear and obvious? Here’s Greg’s take on that question.

Podcast: Dear Greg: My Friend Committed Suicide. Should I Pray for Her Soul?

When does our story end? Greg talks about suicide and praying for the dead.   http://traffic.libsyn.com/askgregboyd/Episode_0414.mp3

Sermons: Hanging in the Balance

  Prayer is a fancy word for talking to God. In this short sermon clip. Greg Boyd introduces what prayer is designed for and what it can be used for. The Bible shows us that our prayers make a difference in this world. Yet, our picture of God doesn’t always line up with that truth.…

What Hinders Answers to Prayer

Prayer is powerful and effective, but it’s not magic. There is no automatic guarantee that what we’re praying for is going to come to pass, even when we’re praying with faith and in accordance with God’s will. Prayer is a form of co-laboring with God to change the world in a Kingdom direction. Yet, it’s…

Coming Home

The only way we can experience the life God has for us is to give up trying to acquire it on our own. We must surrender ourselves completely to God. This is not merely a matter of believing that our attempts to acquire worth and significance (some of the ways that we do this were…