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Podcast: How Does God’s Wrath Fit within a Cruciform Theology?


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Dan: @thatdankent
Email: askgregboyd@gmail.com
Twitter: @reKnewOrg

Greg’s new book: Inspired Imperfection
Dan’s new book: Confident Humility



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How to Interpret the Law of the Old Testament

While there are multitudes of passages in the OT that reflect an awareness that people are too sinful to be rightly related to God on the basis of the law, there is a strand that runs throughout the OT that depicts Yahweh as “law-oriented.” This label is warranted, I believe, in light of the fact…

How NOT to be Christ-Centered: A Review of God With Us – Part III

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If Jesus Is the Whole Point, Then What’s the Point of the Old Testament? (podcast)

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When God is Revealed

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Yahweh as the Dark Knight

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