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Podcast: Was Jesus’ Experience of Separation on the Cross a Hallucination or a False Belief?

Greg talks about the paradox of Trinity and Christ’s experience of separation on the cross. 


Send Questions To:

Dan: @thatdankent
Email: askgregboyd@gmail.com
Twitter: @reKnewOrg

Greg’s new book: Inspired Imperfection
Dan’s new book: Confident Humility



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God of Sense and Traditions of Non-Sense

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Is the Cruciform Hermeneutic Circular? (podcast)

Greg defends the Cruciform Hermeneutic against circularity. Episode 631 http://traffic.libsyn.com/askgregboyd/Episode_0631.mp3

The Problem with Christocentrism

As we’ve discussed in the previous posts, there has been a growing move toward a Christocentric orientation in theology since Barth, and especially over the last fifty years. I enthusiastically applaud this trend, for I’m persuaded it reflects the orientation of the NT itself, so far as it goes. The trouble is, it seems to…

An Alternative to Biblical Inerrancy

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Sermon 7/22/12: The Shadow of the Cross

In his sermon this past Sunday, Greg continued his fleshing out thoughts from the previous week on how he reconciles the violent, disturbing portraits of God in the Old Testament with the revelation of God in Jesus Christ on the Cross. He answers a question raised by several in response to last week’s sermon: Did God actually engage…

Bible in the shadow of the Cross

Answering an Objection to a Cross-Centered Approach to Scripture

Through Greg’s Facebook and Twitter, we’ve been getting some great feedback and questions regarding his cross-centered approach to Scripture. Several have voiced questions similar to the reader’s (below), so we thought it would be helpful to post Greg’s answer here on his blog.