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Podcast: The Frank Viola Interview on INSURGENCE

Greg and Frank talk Kingdom of God. Greg interviews best-selling author Frank Viola about his Insurgence.

Why does the allegiance that radical terrorists give to their false cause exceed the allegiance that most Christians today give to Jesus Christ? Have we lost the explosive, earthshaking gospel of the kingdom that Jesus, Paul, and the other apostles preached? Have we exchanged this dynamic, titanic, living gospel for a gospel of religious duty or permissiveness and “easy believism”?

Yes, says bestselling author Frank Viola. And it’s high time we reclaimed it.

In today’s politically charged era, Christians on the progressive left as well as the conservative right both equate their particular viewpoints with the kingdom of God. Viola dismantles these perspectives, offering a fresh and revolutionary look at the radical gospel of the kingdom. With gripping power, he challenges Christians to reclaim the lost kingdom message of Jesus and join a spiritual insurgence that can change the course of history.

We were cut short in the interview and could have talked much longer, expanding some of the themes we introduced. So if you have any questions for Frank, you can email him directly at Frank@FrankViola.com.

Also, here are the links for your show notes.




Send Questions To:

Dan: @thatdankent
Email: askgregboyd@gmail.com
Twitter: @reKnewOrg

Greg’s new book: Inspired Imperfection
Dan’s new book: Confident Humility



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