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What Does it Mean to be a Disciple?


Here’s our good friend Bruxy Cavey talking about what it means to be a disciple of Jesus and to call him “Lord.” It’s less than three minutes, but it’s a good reminder of what we’re doing when we enter into a submitted relationship with Jesus. Check it out!

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Related Reading

Alan Hirsch on Making Disciples

This is an excellent clip featuring Alan Hirsch on making disciples (thanks Jeff!). He makes a really interesting point that we are all being formed into disciples of one thing or another. What’s forming you?

ISIS, Islam & Jesus

http://youtu.be/7W5NWWFFJMg?list=PLB5r2P47beqLlY3wM6VKjwEEofXAZ4lX5 Our friend Bruxy taught a series at The Meeting House titled ISIS, Islam & Jesus that we wanted to share with you. This is episode one, and you can find the whole series by clicking here. If you believe in redemptive violence, you’ll be challenged by what he has to say.

Confessions of a Christian Nation: Native American/First Nations Oppression

In this third part of the Confessions series, Brian Zahnd, Brian McLaren, Bruxy Cavey and Greg Boyd confess the sins of the Christian church against the Native American and First Nations people. Thanks to Rex Harsin for his work and vision in producing this series.

Living With a Kingdom Consciousness

What Is the Kingdom of God? I want to begin by asking, “What is the kingdom of God?” This may seem like a rather obvious question. We all know what the Kingdom of God is, right? But see, this is precisely the problem. It’s why (I shall argue) the Kingdom of God is largely absent…

Should Christians Arm Themselves?

Jerry Falwell Jr, the president of Liberty University, recently encouraged the students to arm themselves saying, “I always thought that if more good people had concealed-carry permits, then we could end those Muslims before they walk in and kill.” In the light of Christ’s teaching, what should be our response?  First, the NT is quite…

Greg’s Review of Changing Your Mind by Victor Copan

Several months ago Victor Copan introduced himself to me at the end of a Woodland Hills Church service. He told me about his recently published book, Changing Your Mind. “I know you’re into spiritual disciplines and neuroscience,” he said, “so I suspect you might enjoy my book. It’s about the interface of these two topics.”…