Apologies & Explanations Podcast
Join Greg and Dan 3 times a week in this raucous, sometimes funny, and often profound podcast.
Send Questions To:
Dan: @thatdankent
Email: askgregboyd@gmail.com
Twitter: @reKnewOrg

Podcast: Who Converted Greg Boyd From Calvinism?
Category: ReKnew Podcast
Greg tells the story of those strange days in the 80s when he was a pseudo-Calvinist. http://traffic.libsyn.com/askgregboyd/Episode_0336.mp3
Podcast: Why Does Prayer Feel So Fake?
Category: ReKnew Podcast
Tags: Cataphatic Prayer, Imaginative Prayer, Prayer
Greg talks about practicing a prayer discipline and battling against feelings of superficiality in prayer. http://traffic.libsyn.com/askgregboyd/Episode_0335.mp3
Podcast: Reflections on Mother’s Day from a Motherless Boy
Category: ReKnew Podcast
Tags: Mother's Day
Greg talks about growing up without his biological mother and then having an abusive step-mother. http://traffic.libsyn.com/askgregboyd/Episode_0334.mp3
Podcast: How Does Spiritual Warfare Actually Work?
Category: ReKnew Podcast
Tags: Angels, Demons, Spiritual Warfare, Warfare Worldview
Greg talks about Spiritual Warfare and the risks of speculating about things we do not know anything about. http://traffic.libsyn.com/askgregboyd/Episode_0331.mp3
Podcast: What Do You Mean When You Say Jesus Entered Into Solidarity with Our Sin?
Category: ReKnew Podcast
Tags: Atonement, Sin
Greg talks about God’s passion for, unity with, and pursuit of his beloved bride. http://traffic.libsyn.com/askgregboyd/Episode_0330.mp3
Podcast: Why Was Jesus So Secretive About his Miracles?
Category: ReKnew Podcast
Greg talks about the messianic secret and why Jesus was so hush-hush. http://traffic.libsyn.com/askgregboyd/Episode_0329.mp3
Podcast: Impromptu Interview with Paul Eddy
Category: ReKnew Podcast
Tags: Paul Eddy
Dan interviews Paul Eddy, the man who may have converted Greg Boyd from Calvinism. http://traffic.libsyn.com/askgregboyd/Episode_0328.mp3
Podcast: Is it a Sin to Download Someone’s Consciousness?
Category: ReKnew Podcast
Tags: Future, Technology
Greg and Dan make a last ditch effort to save humanity from the rise of the robots. http://traffic.libsyn.com/askgregboyd/Episode_0327.mp3
Podcast: If You Could’ve Killed Hitler, Wouldn’t You?
Category: ReKnew Podcast
Tags: Hitler, Non-Violence, Violence
Greg challenges the intuitively appealing notion of killing Hitler and thereby preventing the massacre of millions of people. http://traffic.libsyn.com/askgregboyd/Episode_0326.mp3 —Edvard Munch, “The Murderer,” 1910