Apologies & Explanations Podcast
Join Greg and Dan 3 times a week in this raucous, sometimes funny, and often profound podcast.
Send Questions To:
Dan: @thatdankent
Email: askgregboyd@gmail.com
Twitter: @reKnewOrg

Podcast: Should We Take Verses Where God is Forgetful, Fatigued, and Doesn’t Know the Past Literally?
Category: ReKnew Podcast
Tags: Attributes of God, Character of God, Nature of God
Greg considers a challenge to open theisms about taking verses about God changing his mind literally. http://traffic.libsyn.com/askgregboyd/Episode_0314.mp3
Podcast: Greg Confronts Nietzsche
Category: ReKnew Podcast
Tags: Philosophy
Greg goes toe-to-toe with Friedrich Nietzsche in this epic battle of philosophers. http://traffic.libsyn.com/askgregboyd/Episode_0313.mp3 An 1889 oil sketch of Friedrich Nietzsche on his sick bed by Hans Johann Wilhelm Olde.
Podcast: Why Did Jesus Say He Came to Bring a Sword?
Category: ReKnew Podcast
Tags: Crucifixion of the Warrior God, Cruciform Theology
Greg considers what Jesus meant when he said he had come to bring a sword. http://traffic.libsyn.com/askgregboyd/Episode_0312.mp3
Podcast: How Do You Recommend Reading the Bible to Kids?
Category: ReKnew Podcast
Tags: Crucifixion of the Warrior God, Cruciform Theology, Kids
Greg looks at reading the Bible to kids and considers where in the Bible one should start reading. http://traffic.libsyn.com/askgregboyd/Episode_0311.mp3
Podcast: Where is the Foundation of Our Trust in the Old Testament?
Category: ReKnew Podcast
Tags: Crucifixion of the Warrior God, Cruciform Theology, Old Testament
Greg looks at what he considers the foundation of trusting in the Bible. http://traffic.libsyn.com/askgregboyd/Episode_0310.mp3
Podcast: Can We Trust the Gospel of John?
Category: ReKnew Podcast
Tags: John's Gospel, Reliability of the Gospels
Greg does some gospel-dating. Was John written closer to the year 50, or closer to the year 1986 as Dan suggests? http://traffic.libsyn.com/askgregboyd/Episode_0309.mp3
Podcast: How Can I Protect My Kids from the Violence in Media?
Category: ReKnew Podcast
Tags: Media, Movie Review, Violence
Greg looks at ways to help strengthen non-violence in children in a world saturated in violence. http://traffic.libsyn.com/askgregboyd/Episode_0308.mp3
Podcast: Is Cruciform Hermeneutics Simply Midrash?
Category: ReKnew Podcast
Tags: Cross Vision, Crucifixion of the Warrior God, Cruciform Theology
Greg considers whether Cruciform Hermeneutics is just a complicated way of seeing what I want to see in the text, and offers nuanced thought for our more complicated hermeneutical challenges. http://traffic.libsyn.com/askgregboyd/Episode_0307.mp3
Podcast: Are the Prohibitions Against Homosexuality Culturally Relative?
Category: ReKnew Podcast
Tags: Homosexuality
Greg considers if homosexuality is culturally relative or not, and what to do about it. http://traffic.libsyn.com/askgregboyd/Episode_0306.mp3
Podcast: How Can We Tell If a Teaching Was Meant to Transcend the Particular Time & Culture It was Given in?
Category: General, ReKnew Podcast
Greg offers various criteria for assessing what is and is not culturally relative. http://traffic.libsyn.com/askgregboyd/Episode_0305.mp3