
Did Calvin Kill Servetus?
Category: General
Hi folks, The last two blogs have generated a bit of a stir. Good! If what I’m saying about the centrality of Calvary-looking love is right, we need a major paradigm shift on how we…

The Worst Heresy Imaginable!
Category: General
Wow, I’ve gotten a ton of feedback on the picture in my previous blog. (I still have forty or so e-mails to get through!) Almost all of the responses (so far) have been positive! I…

Washing Osama’s Feet
Category: General
Brad Cole is a friend of mine who runs a ministry called Heavenly Sanctuary. This ministry puts on Conferences around the country on the Character of God — and they get it right. This year…

Snakes, Scorpions and Satan
Category: General
Hello my intellectual internet friends, I’m preaching through the book of Luke these days (actually the last several years), and this last week was on Luke 10:17-24. In this passage the 70 disciples that had…

Lessons on the Non-Violent Atonement
Category: General
Hi Folks, Crazy last 9 days for me!*Last Friday through Sunday participated in a conference on faith and politics in Kansas.*Monday was in meetings all day at Woodland Hills Church.*Tuesday worked 14 hours on my…

It turns out I’m a Mennonite!
Category: General
Hello internet friends, I spent the weekend at a conference at Heston College, a small Mennonite college located just outside of Witchita. I and John Roth, a Mennonite historian, held several sessions and participated in…

Capitalism and the Danger of Greed
Category: General
Here’s a thought: It’s hard to deny that capitalism is the best economic system around. It creates wealth far better than feudalism, communism, socialism or any other system one could name. But for all its…

The Biblical Call to Justice?
Category: General
Here are my thoughts for the day on the topic of JUSTICE. People so often say things like: “The Bible calls us to stand for justice” and “We need to live out the biblical mandate…

Psalm 139 and David’s “ordained days”
Category: General
Heh folks, Just a reflection for the day. One of the passages most frequently cited in attempts to refute the open view of the future is Psalm 139:16. Here David says that God viewed him…

High Priests in Caesar’s Court?
Category: General
Hello fellow thoughtful bloggerites, Well, I’ll just start by saying I’m delighted Marcia has decided to unilaterally disarm. She has put down her swor… uhr… camera and taken up the cross. Admirable. But it was…

bless him…
Category: General
many are asking if this is an all out friend war, what will be my next step? all I can say…I have the camera…I’m committed to truth with my lens…but this is not the time…this…

Marcia the Lard and Revolting Beauty
Category: General
Hi Folks, Thanks for blogging in. First want to express my profound appreciation for my dear FRIEND Marcia (the lard) Erickson who kindly showed the entire WORLD what a slob I am. ( : My…

Greg Boyd and the Very Bad, No Good, Messy Study
Category: General
I’m really glad Greg professes to be non-violent…he won’t hurt me for posting this picture of him working from home. I had a photo shoot with Greg for a project we’re doing and as Shelley…

In the Valley of Elah
Category: General
Hello bloggers, Went out with my small group Friday night and saw the movie, “In the Valley of Elah,” starring Tommy Lee Jones, Charlize Theron and Susan Sarandon. This is a great movie, mainly because…

God’s Being Sued!
Category: General
Hot off the press (I kid you not)! Omaha senator Ernie Chambers (a long time critic of Christianity) is bringing a lawsuit against one who has caused “untold death and horror” while “threatening to cause…

My friend Dr. Jen
Category: General
The other day we said goodbye, at least for a while, to a wonderful young lady named Jennifer Halverson. No she didn’t die. She left for Haiti. Let me tell you about my friend Jen….

What’s “the Christian Position” on Whether or Not the U.S. Should Immediately Withdraw its Troops?
Category: General
Since the publication of The Myth of a Christian Nation, many have become aware of my conviction that Jesus calls us to love our enemies and live a non-violent lifestyle. As a result, I’ve gotten…

The 35W Bridge Collapse and the Book of Job
Category: General
On my August 9th blog, I argued that there’s no reason to suppose that God was involved in the collapse of the 35 W bridge. I’ve been pleasantly surprised at the amount of blog activity…