When Does Life Begin For Real? (podcast)
Category: ReKnew Podcast
Tags: Abortion, Life
Greg ponders when personhood begins. Episode 547 http://traffic.libsyn.com/askgregboyd/Episode_0547.mp3
Podcast: When Does Life Begin?
Category: ReKnew Podcast
Tags: Abortion, Body of Christ, Community, Service
Greg confronts a highly controversial topic from a Kingdom perspective. http://traffic.libsyn.com/askgregboyd/Episode_0455.mp3

What the hell are we doing here?
Category: General
Tags: Abortion, Fundamentalism, Kingdom Living, Love, Mercy, Pain, Vulnerability
Meet Collin Simula. He lives in Columbus, Ohio, and is a part of Central Vineyard church. He is a 30-year-old graphic designer, and a happily married father of three. Collin has spent his whole life…

The Political Ambiguity of the Abortion Issue
Category: General
Tags: Abortion, Politics, Unity
José Manuel Ríos Valiente via Compfight. As an illustration of the ambiguity of the abortion question when approaching it from a political point of view, here’s an article portraying Obama as a hero of the pro-life…
What is your stance on abortion?
Category: Q&A
Tags: Abortion, Kingdom Living
Topics: Ethical, Cultural and Political Issues
*This is an edit of a post published in 2008. Since we continue to get questions along these lines, we thought we would repost it. Question: I’ve heard that you lost members of your congregation…