The Problem with Christocentrism
Category: General
Tags: Bible, Christocentrism, Cruciform Theology
Topics: Biblical Interpretation
As we’ve discussed in the previous posts, there has been a growing move toward a Christocentric orientation in theology since Barth, and especially over the last fifty years. I enthusiastically applaud this trend, for I’m…
Overemphasizing Christ?
Category: General
Tags: Christocentrism, Crucifixion of the Warrior God, Cruciform Theology, Jesus, Orthodoxy
Topics: Biblical Interpretation
In response to my work, some have argued that I tend to overemphasize Christ. In light of the claim that in Jesus we have the one and only definitive Word of God and that no…
Modern Theologians and the Centrality of Christ
Category: General
Tags: Bible Interpretation, Christocentrism, Crucifixion of the Warrior God, Cruciform Theology, Theology
Topics: Biblical Interpretation
During the twentieth century the development of a Christocentric reading of the Scriptures—which is crucial to understanding what I argue in Crucifixion of the Warrior God—surged in the wake of Karl Barth’s publication of his…
The Reformers and the Centrality of Christ
Category: General
Tags: Christocentrism, Cruciform Theology, John Calvin, Martin Luther
The Christocentric nature of the Church’s hermeneutic approached a zenith in the Protestant Reformation. While Luther and Calvin rejected allegorical interpretation, in theory if not in practice, they nevertheless relied on typology and other creative…
The Centrality of Christ in Hebrews, Part 2
Category: General
Tags: Bible Interpretation, Christocentrism, Cruciform Theology, New Testament, Old Testament
Topics: Christology
The intensely Christocentric reading of the Old Testament that I introduced in the previous post is reflected throughout the book of Hebrews. Here I want to cite two more examples of how this writer saw…
The Centrality of Christ in Hebrews, Part 1
Category: General
Tags: Bible Interpretation, Christocentrism, Cruciform Theology, New Testament, Old Testament
Topics: Christology
The intense Christocentricity that the New Testament writers embrace is nowhere more clearly and consistently illustrated than in the book of Hebrews. Throughout this work we find a repeated emphasis on the many ways the…