Doubt and the Idol of Certainty
What Does ‘Your Faith Has Healed You’ Mean? (podcast)
Category: ReKnew Podcast
Tags: Benefit of the Doubt, Doubt, Doubt and the Idol of Certainty, Faith, healing, Miracles, Prayer
Greg discusses faith, doubt, and healings. Episode 486
Podcast: If Doubt Is Good, Why Did Jesus Rebuke It?
Category: ReKnew Podcast
Tags: Benefit of the Doubt, Doubt, Doubt and the Idol of Certainty, Faith
Greg talks about how doubt relates to faith.

Reflecting on the Conference and Cynicism
Category: General
Tags: Benefit of the Doubt, Connecting, Cynicism, David Flowers, Doubt, Doubt and the Idol of Certainty, Faith, Fellowship, Hope, Truth, Viva la Revolution!
We had such a great time this weekend at the Faith, Doubt & the Idol of Certainty conference. People came from all over the United States and it was good to get a chance to…

Gungor and Doubt
Category: General
Tags: Doubt, Doubt and the Idol of Certainty, Faith, Gungor
Gungor is working through the issue of doubt on their new album. (Thanks Orlando for the heads-up.) We’re busily getting ready for the Faith, Doubt & the Idol of Certainty conference tomorrow. It’s not too…

Another Great Reason to Join Us for the ReKnew Conference: NDY
Category: General
Tags: Benefit of the Doubt, Doubt and the Idol of Certainty, Faith, Greg Boyd, NDY
As if you needed another reason to join us for Faith, Doubt and the Idol of Certainty, I’ll tell you that Greg’s band NDY is playing a free concert at 8:15pm at Woodland Hills Church…

Another Sneak Peek from Benefit of the Doubt
Category: General
Tags: Benefit of the Doubt, Doubt, Doubt and the Idol of Certainty, Faith, Greg Boyd, ReKnew, Upcoming Conference
As we approach our ReKnew conference next month, we’ll be posting snippets of Greg’s book, Benefit of the Doubt. We hope you’ll be joining us. We extended the deadline for early bird registration. Get on…

Benefit of the Doubt: Sneak Peek
Category: General
Tags: Benefit of the Doubt, Doubt, Doubt and the Idol of Certainty, Faith, ReKnew
We’ll be leaking little tidbits from Greg’s soon-to-be-released book Benefit of the Doubt from today until the book release. We’re really excited about the potential of this book to impact the lives of those who…

Conference: Faith, Doubt & the Idol of Certainty
Category: General
Tags: Benefit of the Doubt, Doubt, Doubt and the Idol of Certainty, Faith, Idolatry
We’re really excited about Greg’s book, Benefit of the Doubt, coming out in September. In fact, we’re SO excited that we want to invite you all to a conference we’re holding September 27-28, 2013 at Woodland Hills…