The Holy Spirit

Participating in the Divine Nature (Love)
Category: General
Tags: God, God is Love, Jesus, Love, Love Your Neighbor, The Holy Spirit, Trinity
Topics: Following Jesus, Trinity
When God created the world, it obviously wasn’t to finally have someone to love, for God already had this, within himself. Rather God created the world to express the love he is and invite others…

The Most Beautiful Truth
Category: General
Tags: God, God is Love, Jesus, Love, The Holy Spirit, Trinity
Topics: Trinity
Jesus was God incarnate. Yet he continually referred to, and prayed to, God the Father as someone who was distinct from himself. He also continually referred to, and claimed to be empowered by, God the…

Is speaking in tongues the initial evidence of receiving the baptism of the Holy Spirit?
Category: Q&A
Tags: Q&A, The Holy Spirit
Topics: The Church
Pentecostals have traditionally taught that speaking in tongues is evidence that a person is filled with the Holy Spirit. Those who defend this position do so primarily on the basis of a pattern they discern…

Are all believers baptized in the Holy Spirit?
Category: Q&A
Tags: Baptism, Q&A, The Holy Spirit
Topics: The Church, Trinity
All Christians believe that all believers are indwelt by the Holy Spirit, but there is debate over whether all believers are baptized in the Holy Spirit. John the Baptist prophesied that while he baptized with…