John’s Gospel
Podcast: Can We Trust the Gospel of John?
Category: ReKnew Podcast
Tags: John's Gospel, Reliability of the Gospels
Greg does some gospel-dating. Was John written closer to the year 50, or closer to the year 1986 as Dan suggests?

The Cruciform Center Part 2: How John’s Gospel Reveals a Cruciform God
Category: Essays
Tags: Cruciform Theology, Essay, God, Jesus, John's Gospel, Love, Self-Sacrificial Love
Topics: Apologetics, Atonement and The Cross, Christology, Interpreting Violent Pictures and Troubling Behaviors
In the previous post, we looked at how the Synoptics illustrate the centrality of the cross. While the Gospel of John varies in its structure and language from the Synoptics, the cross remains at the…