Podcast: Is It Actually Possible for God to Experience Time Sequentially?
Category: General, ReKnew Podcast
Tags: time, Transcendence
Greg considers how to think about God’s relationship to time given that there are apparent paradoxes no matter how one things about it. http://traffic.libsyn.com/askgregboyd/Episode_0317.mp3
Podcast: Is God Outside of Time?
Category: ReKnew Podcast
Tags: Attributes of God, Open Theism, time
Greg discusses the nature of time, the importance of sequence, and the centrality of poetry. http://traffic.libsyn.com/askgregboyd/Episode_0286.mp3
True Life Now
Category: General
Tags: Kingdom Living, Life, Practicing the Presence of God, time
Whether we want to admit it or not, experience teaches us that life is a perpetual, relentless process of decay, one that we know inevitably leads toward death. And this fills many of us with…
Does God Exist Outside of Time?
Category: General
Tags: Jeremy Jernigan, Open Future, Open Theism, Possibility, time
Topics: Free Will and the Future
Our friend Jeremy Jernigan wrote something recently that we wanted to share with you today. Jeremy is the author of Redeeming Pleasure and Teaching Pastor at Central Christian Church in Arizona. He blogs regularly at…
The God of the Here and Now
Category: General
Tags: Practicing the Presence of God, Prayer, time
Several years ago an acquaintance told me she and her husband were going to travel to Lakeland, FL, where a “healing revival” had purportedly broken out. When I asked them if they were going because…
The Accelerating Train
Category: General
Tags: Meaning, New Year, Resurrection, time
Topics: Faith & Doubt
If you aren’t experiencing it yet, you will. Each year goes by faster than the previous one. The reason is that, as you get older, each year is a smaller fraction of your life. I…
Is Your Christianity Shaped by Plato or the Bible?
Category: General
Tags: Attributes of God, Blueprint Worldview, Change, God, Open Theism, Perfection, Plato, time
Topics: Apologetics
The Timaeus is a work that Plato wrote that addresses the questions: “What is that which always is and has no becoming, and what is that which becomes but never is?” (Tim. 28a)? These questions…

Reasons God Does Not Control Everything
Category: General
Tags: Change, God, Open Theism, time
First, the belief that God is all-powerful does not mean that God exercises all power. It only means that God is the ultimate source of all power. Fallen people may value the ability to control…

Is God Immutable? Part II
Category: Q&A
Tags: Attributes of God, God's Character, time
Topics: Attributes and Character
Yesterday, we looked at the common understanding of divine immutability and the problems inherent to it. Click here to read that post. Today, let’s look at what the immutability of God actually means. Instead of…

Is God Immutable? Part I
Category: Q&A
Tags: Attributes of God, Character of God, God, Jesus, time
Topics: Attributes and Character
For a number of reasons, Plato believed that something changes only to become better or to become worse (Rep. II). Since a perfect being can’t be improved or diminished, he argued, God must be completely…

Becoming Unbusy
Category: General
Tags: freedom, Joshua Becker, Simplicity, time
ZeroOne via Compfight Joshua Becker posted A Helpful Guide to Becoming Unbusy that we thought was wonderful. If you’re finding yourself mindlessly going from one task to the next with no time to take a…