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From a Counseling Pastor
Hello Greg,
We’ve never met but you are one of my favorite people on the planet. I am a counseling pastor/elder of a small church. Five years ago, I picked up “God At War” and never looked back! I’ve read everything you have written and listen regularly to your sermons. Thank you for pursueing God with such a wide open hunger and transparency. Your passion has ignited such deep joy in my relationship with the Trinity. If you are ever interested in starting satellite churches in the south we are a prime candidate. Our worship team is the best around and they love your ministry. We are showing your dvd sermons on Wednesday nights and it’s great. Thank you, thank you, thank you for your hard plowing WORK of the kingdom of God. It’s truly is Beautiful! More and More.
One day we hope to meet you, because you’ve touched our lives through your love for the Trinity and the Kingdom of God. We pray for you and your church.
Veritas in Love,
Category: General