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Thank you for preaching a beautiful kingdom
“… if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them.” Isaiah 8:20
I’m not sure if you’ll read this, as I know you’re extremely busy, but I just wanted to say thank you for “preaching Jesus.” I have struggled with legalism my whole life — wanting to please God through acts….praying more, reading more, having all the right political stances, just trying harder. I read your books “Experiencing God…,” “Myth of a Christian Nation” and “Across the Spectrum” as well as attended your church for over a year…. and the picture of God/Jesus you have presented is the Jesus I always knew, but never had the proper teaching to accept it as a lifestyle. He loves me regardless!!!!!!!!!!
My deliverance from legalism has been something unexplainable. So supernatural at times and very “normal.” But most of all I KNOW Jesus loves me regardless. I know you can understand what I mean….knowing your testimony. I am free Greg because Christ “died” to the law of sin and death. Legalism is something very nasty and I am continuing to grow in faith and freedom. Thanks for encouraging those like myself and wife who once left the faith because we just couldn’t “try harder.”
Thank you for preaching a beautiful kingdom under fire. Thank you for allowing yourself to get blasted my some “christian politiks.” Thank you for your teaching according to the WORD with intellect and understanding under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Thank you for being obedient. STAY REAL, MAN!!!
Continue to just “be.”
Category: General