Month: May 2007

why i hate war


Photo Captures True Meaning of Memorial Day

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A Conflicted Memorial Day


Hope you all had a happy Memorial Day. (Isn’t that something of a misnomer — a happy time remembering people killed in war?) Memorial Day honestly leaves me conflicted. On the one hand, I am…

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A Review (of sorts) of Claiborne’s The Irresistible Revolution


I’m taking a (much needed) break from my work on The Myth of the Blueprint and my related insatiable obsession on ancient Greek philosophy. I’m going to spend the next few months working on a…

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Pure Grace and Free Will


I received a question the other day that I get quite often, so I’d thought I’d share it with you all. It was from an Arminian-turned-Calvinist who basically wondered how salvation can be by grace…

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Is the Kingdom Invisible?


Traditionally, Christians have often made a distinction between the “visible” and “invisible” Church. It was a way of differentiating between the Church the world sees, which presumably includes people who are Christian in name only,…

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Jesus’ Example of Lobbying Against Gays


(warning….satire ahead) This past weekend in the Saturday paper I found a lovely article that reports that both the House and the Senate approved a bill that would make violence against gays simply because of…

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Objections to Petitionary Prayer 3


Over the last couple days I’ve reviewed two objections to petitionary prayer raised by a second century pagan philosopher named Maximus of Tyre. Today I want to examine his third argument. In the fifth paragraph…

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Objections to Petitionary Prayer 2


A couple days ago I reviewed the first of several objections to petitionary prayer that a second century pagan philosopher named Maximus of Tyre raises in the fifth of his Philosophical Orations (entitled “On Prayer”)….

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Objections to Petitionary Prayer 1


For the last two years I’ve been immersed in ancient Greek philosophy, reading as many original sources as I can (e.g. the works of Plato, Aristotle, Cicero, etc.). It never ceases to amaze me how…

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What a reading-addicted pathetic egghead reads


Hey bloggers and bloggettes, I occasionally get asked, “What ya reading these days Greg?” So — since I’ve committed myself to sprinkling in academic reflections with random “me” stuff — I thought I’d tell you….

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from one of the admins


ok…. marcia here….i work with greg at christus victor ministries…administrative and photograhy. you won’t hear from me much on this blog but sometimes i need to defend myself with those that follow this blog. i…

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welcome to my new blog


Heh folks, We’ve got a new web blogger page site thingy whatever…. do you like it? Thanks to Jen Halverson the wonderful for setting this up! To be honest, I don’t get this blogger thing…

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