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Repenting of Religion Endorsements


“Anything but another run-of-the-mill evangelical book, it is radical and revolutionary. It will make readers think critically about some traditional evangelical habits of the heart.”
–Roger Olson, George W. Truett Theological Seminary

“The local church is called to be God’s community of redemption rather than the exclusive clique of rejection it has often become. This is a prophetic call to repentance.”
–Gilbert Bilezikian, author of Christianity 101

“Mere Christianity is religionless, Boyd rightly says. It is about dancing with the triune God. And, since it’s all about mercy, let’s love one another and stop judging.”
–Clark Pinnock, author of Most Moved Mover


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Part 2 (of 15): Can ‘Being’ Be Justified?

Assessing Jordan Peterson’s “12 Rules for Life” by Greg Boyd ~“Pain and suffering define the world. Of that, there can be no doubt.” ~ Jordan Peterson One of the things that makes Peterson’s approach to understanding life so intriguing and appealing to so many people is that it is remarkably multifaceted. 12 Rules of Life…

Podcast: What Have You Been Reading Lately?

Greg talks about a book that he is reviewing called: The Faith of God: A Relational Theology of Divine Trust, Hope, and Love, by: William Holtzen. http://traffic.libsyn.com/askgregboyd/Episode_0377.mp3

Part 17 (of 20)- Jordan Peterson on God

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Part 11 (of 15): The Corruption of Creation

Assessing Jordan Peterson’s 12 Rules for Life by Greg Boyd “With their capacity for aggression strait-jacketed within a too-narrow morality, those who are only or merely compassionate and self-sacrificing…cannot call forth the genuinely righteous and appropriately self-protective anger necessary to defend themselves.” Jordan Peterson In the previous three posts (post 8, post 9, post 10)…

Podcast: Fresh Thoughts on Greg’s Blog Series on Jordan Peterson

Greg gives an update on his thoughts on Jordan Peterson after having written a series critiquing his book 12 Rules of Life. http://traffic.libsyn.com/askgregboyd/Episode_0376.mp3

Is God to Blame Endorsements and Reviews

Endorsements “In this stimulating work, Gregory Boyd shows how an incarnational theology focuses on God’s action in Jesus Christ as the source for our knowledge of God. In Jesus we see what God does for us, how God loves us, how God feels for us and how God rescues creatures and creation. This work restores…
